Relationship Advice: What Not to Do When Dating

Relationship Advice: What Not to Do When Dating

When you are in the dating phase of a relationship, knowing what behaviours not to partake in is as important as knowing what to do. Relationship experts suggest that there are some do’s and don’ts when engaging in new and exciting potential love matches.

The fear of rejection and humiliation has kept many singles from exploring their relationship options, while on the other hand, privacy breach, betrayal and predatory behavior has made it hard for some to trust the process of dating. This can be a tiring mental load. Nevertheless, it is true that when dating, very different forms of communication should be taken into consideration.

Web etiquette and data protection should play a major role when navigating the digital dating domain, one example being to never reveal too much personal information like bank account details or home address details without proper verification. Spending or gifting too much in the early stages of the relationship can be a big no-no as this can create an unhealthy power dynamic.

When it comes to relationships, in general, one should always avoid texting or calling excessively, as this can be perceived as stalking or bordering on obsession. As a courtesy and legitimate sign of respect, it is essential for both parties to keep the communication lines open on a healthy level.

Although it is important to show an interest in getting to know one another, asking the wrong questions or prying too deeply could be a put off for some. Of course, trivial conversations like the weather are fine to have, but in order to build real connections, make sure to ask more ‘meaty’ questions, such as your potential partners hopes and dreams.

Aimless dating without pursueing a real connection can lead to unnecessary risks such as a negative heartbreak. On the flip side, getting too serious or ‘over-thinking’ too soon can create obstacles for the relationship. Thus it is advised to be mindful of how to move forward without jumping to conclusions.

Dating with an attitude of entitlement is a clear sign of unhealthy behavior. The goal should be to find someone who shares the same interests and values as you, not to act selfishly and think that you are entitled to something because you have the means, or you are good at flirting.

Obsessive Calls and Texts

If you are constantly texting or calling your potential partner excessively, they could find this to be very overwhelming and a major turn off.  escort girls  is healthy to leave some space during the dating phase, and both parties should respect each other’s choices.

On the other hand, constant expectations of replies or making them feel guilty if they don’t respond to messages quickly shows an undermining attitude. A gentler approach of being understanding and patient goes a long way in making your partner feel respected and valued.

Lying and Creating False Impressions

A very clear sign of dishonesty is lying on your profile or creating false impressions. It is important to be genuine and authentic in your expectations and interactions when building a connection with someone. People often reveal only parts of themselves due to reasons such as fear of judgement or expectations of certainisations. Additionally, although constructing a weaved message of witty sentences may be an effective way to portray a good impression, it works two ways. Building on real and authentic communication from the start ensures a more meaningful connection.

Hypersensitivity and/or Insecurity

During the initial dating phase, both parties should be courteous and open to new perspectives and experiences. Hypersensitivity and/or insecurity may seem like an attraction at first, but could be risky if not managed properly. It is healthy to express admiration without fixating too much on the other person. Mutual respect and trust for one another will make it easier to be ‘yourself’.

Getting Physical Too Quickly

Although most relationships defy the ‘3 date’ rule, it is important to hold back from getting physical too quickly. Getting physical can be tricky in relationships as it is a self-judgement call, and is not the same for everyone. Creating a connection mentally first is often healthier to master, as it allows both parties to move forward on the same page and can help to cultivate a stronger bond.

Tunnel Vision Focus on Relationship Status

Some aspects of life come down to luck and patience. Tunnel vision focus on relationship status can create an obsession and can limit an appreciation of new and evolving relationships. It is perfectly fine to feel an overwhelming desire to be in a relationship, though it is important to keep a balanced outlook and to nurture new-found relationships organically without forcing them.

Forcing Opinions or Decisions

Contrary to popular belief, a relationship does not always have to have a specific direction or purpose. When dating, it is important to be open and honest in deliberating opinions and decisions, and allowing each other to take their own time in coming to a consensus. Compulsion or manipulation does not have a place in any healthy relationship.